BUS 3 will be leaving the Brookside at 2:25 pm again today and tomorrow.
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
BUS 3 will be dismissing at 2:25 pm and BUS 4 will be a few minutes late today and tomorrow.
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
BUS 3 will be dismissing at 2:25 PM and BUS 4 may be a few minutes late. This should be the same for the rest of the week.
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
BUS 4 will be running 20-25 minutes late tomorrow morning. I anticipate this may happen all week, but will keep you all updated.
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
BUS 3 will leave the Brookside at 2:25 pm and BUS 4 may be a few minutes late. I anticipate this will happen all week, but will keep everyone informed.
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
We have been informed the information provided regarding BUS 21 has changed. BUS 4 is running late and BUS 21 is looping back around for students.
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
Good Morning- we are anticipating BUS 21 running 20-25 minutes late this morning.
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
BUS 3 will be leaving the Brookside at 2:25 pm and BUS 4 may be a few minutes late. Thank you for your patience.
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
BUS 17 will be dismissing from the Brookside at 2:25 pm. Thank you! Hopefully a quiet week on the bus front next week!
about 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
REMINDER! The Cookies, Cheesecake, and Soup Fundraiser pick-up is today from 2:00- 5:30 pm. Please come to the front door and share your child's name. Our PTO will bring the order out.
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Bus 4 has not yet left the Brookside. The bus should be in route soon.
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
It’s time to celebrate how many toys we have collected and donated for local children in need! Tomorrow is HAT DAY! Students may wear a hat of their choice. Friday is PAJAMA DAY! Students can wear school appropriate pajamas!
about 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
REMINDER: Students may wear school appropriate costumes tomorrow. Students must be able to be identified. No additional masks or accessories that cover the face are allowed. Costumes should not include any weapons or gore. There is no parent/guardian parade this year. We look forward to a fun day! Happy Halloween to those that celebrate!
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
SEPAC Workshop Tuesday, October 26th Register Here: https://5il.co/10w04
over 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
Brookside Bus Routes have been updated and can be found here: https://5il.co/zc5k There are also two upcoming vaccination clinics at Dracut High School: Thursday 9/23 from 5pm-7pm Thursday 10/14 from 5pm-7pm https://www.appointmentquest.com/scheduler/2180061935?schedule=dracutschools Have a great day!
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Please find an update regarding COVID testing, traffic, and busing from Superintendent Stone. Additional communication to come via our weekly call. Enjoy the long weekend! https://5il.co/yh2o
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Good Evening Brookside Families! Here is the first official Sunday call of the school year! A huge thank you to all who attended last week's Popsicle Party! School begins Thursday, September 2nd for grades 1-5. Kindergarten Orientation is Thursday morning at 9:30 am. Kindergarten officially starts Friday, September 3rd. Preschool Orientation is Friday, September 3rd 9-10 am for the AM session and 12-1 pm for the PM session. Preschool begins Tuesday, September 7th. The doors will open at 8:20 am and dismissal procedures will begin around 2:35 pm. If your child is taking the bus they will be required to show their bus pass on day one. Bus routes are now posted on the DPS website and also linked here. https://5il.co/y2dq Parent pick up placards will be passed out Thursday morning and afternoon. Please place a sign in the window indicating your child's name and grade level for the first day of school. The tags are different than last year- everyone will need new numbers. To alleviate transportation concerns, I would appreciate your family filling out this form for each of your students- https://forms.gle/sjMK1ykD3gv9GGK1A Please consider sending your child with an extra mask and easy to use water bottle. See Superintendent Stone's letter to the public regarding COVID protocols here- https://5il.co/y28x . A reminder that parents, guardians, and caregivers are invited to "Chalk the Walk" on Wednesday to celebrate their student! Chalk will be available starting at 8:30 am. Leave your child a drawing or sweet message on the walkway into school! I am so looking forward to an amazing year! Thank you for your support thus far- we are in this together!!
over 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
Brookside Families! Please find our August Newsletter here: https://5il.co/xovn - How to Access ASPEN - Photo Opt- Out Form - Upcoming Events - Kindergarten/Preschool Orientation Be sure to click on the embedded links!
over 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
Good Afternoon Brookside Families! It is crazy that school will be starting in a week and a half! A few reminders: 1. Please read Superintendent Stone's COVID update for this fall. Anyone entering the school is required to wear a mask. https://www.dracutps.org/ 2. I have seen some posts on social media regarding teacher placements- placements may not be 100% accurate until Friday, so I encourage you wait before sharing with your child. These placements will be coming via email to both parent and student emails. Please do not call the school for your ASPEN login. 3. A reminder to apply for a bus pass if your child is taking the bus. Dates for pick up at Dracut High School are: August 24 3:00pm to 6:00pm August 26 3:00pm to 6:00pm August 31 3:00pm to 6:00pm 4. Kindergarten Families-- look for Miss Howe in your neighborhood soon! She has a special gift for all new Kindergarten students that will be hand delivered within the next week. 5. I am posting frequent updates on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BESdracut and our the Brookside Live Stream, which can be found on our website. Please be sure to follow our page if able. 6. Lastly, a few important dates: 8/24 Popsicles with the Principal 9/2 First Day of School for Grades 1-5 9/2 Kindergarten Orientation (more information coming soon) 9/3 Kindergarten Begins Have a wonderful evening! I look forward to meeting your kiddos soon!
over 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton
BUS PASS PICK-UP: The first bus pass pick-up will be this Wednesday, 8/18 from 3:00- 6:00 pm in front of Dracut High School.
over 3 years ago, Lindsey Fulton